September 2023 Fitness Log

10m row
dynamic stretch
barbell warm up (rdl, ohp, thursters)
power clean 45×10, 65x2x10, 85×3, 115×3, 135x3x1
close grip bench: 44x2x10, 65×8, 95×5, 115x3x5
“Y” chin ups 4×4

warm up
jump rope (play, not time)
barbell warm up
ohp 45×10, 65×6, 75×6, 5×3
knee-to-bar 5×3
single leg step (6) 5×5, 2 full sls

warm up
fs 45×10, 95×5, 135×5 185×1,1,3
wide pull up 4×4
dips 4×6
toes to bar 3×5

bench 45×10, 95x,6, 115 3×6
bent over rows 45×10, 95×5, 135 333
db lunges 20lbx10, 25×8, 30 3×6

weigh in 181.8lb
row 10min?
squats 45x2x5, 95×5, 135×5, 155x5x5
seated db press 20×10, 25×8, 30×6, 35x3x6
body weight row 3×8

warm up 
2 min jump rope
fs 45×10, 95×5, 115×3, 135 4×3
db press 20×10, 30×5, 35×5, 40×5, 45×5, 50×5
neutral pull ups 3×5
ab roller (assist) 666

warm up
jump rope for 3ish mins
dl 45×10, 135×5, 185×1, 225x4x1, 255×1
hand stand play 7 mins

warm up (some rope play)
fs 45×10, 95×5, 135×5, 140 4×5
dips 4×5
landmine row barx15, 25×12, 50x3x10
knee raises on bae 3×10
foam roll

row 2000m in 9:40
bench 45x3x10, 95×5, 125 5×5
4’clock close grip pull ups 4×4
walking lunges 25lb 10 each leg 11

warm up 
3-5 minutes of jump rope
barebell routine 3×10 rdl,row,fs,ohp,goodmorning,bs

!! pikes on step 6,5,5,5 (played with height 11-12)
knees to bar 4×5, 3rd set toes to bar

!! = too intensity during 

warm up
back squat 45×5,10, 95×7, 135 3×7
! reverse pull ups 3×10
neutral push ups 4×10

light warm up
10mins elliptical 
pull ups 4×5
db press 25×10, 35×8, 45 4×5
back ext 4×10
ab roller 3×5

bs 45×10, 95×10, 135×6, 165×5, 185 5×3
ohp 45×10, 65×5, 85×5, 95 4×4
low row 1platex10, 3px3, 5px10, 6p 3×8
hanging knee raises 3×10

light warm up
treadmill 22mins some backwords
bench 45x2x10, 95×5, 115 5×5
db row 25×10, 35×8, 45×9, 50x 3×6
jump rope play ?
foam roll

warm up
10 mins row
power clean 45×10, 95×5, 135x8x1
dips 4×5
foam roam

3ish mins of jump rope (1min, 1min rest)
fs 45×10, 95×5, 5×5
standing db press 20×10, 30 5×5
reverse pull up 3×10 !!

warm up
fs 45×10, 95×5, 135×3, 165×1, 185 4×1
bent over row 45×15, 95×8, 115×5, 135 3×5 (tried some from the ground)
dips 3×8
assisted ab roller 3×8
foam roll

sumo dl 45×10(rdl), 45×10, 95×5, 135×5, 185×5, 205 3×3
ohp 45×10, 65×5, 80×5, 85 5×3
wide chin ups 4×4
wrist thingy 5lb down and back both dir 1

184.0lb weigh in
bs 45×10, 95×5, 135×5, 165 4×4
incline db bench 20lbx10, 30×8, 40×6, 45 4×5
land mine rows 25×10, 45×10, 70 3×8
hanging knee raises 3×10

bench 45x2x10, 95×6, 115×5, 135 4×4 !!
row 3000m 15:15
cable punchy thing 20×10, 30 4×10 each arm
single leg step up 4×5 each leg
foam roll

power clean 45×10(rdl), 95×5 (hang),135 5×3 (long breaks)
wide pulls ups (on rack) 5,3,3,3,4
hand stand fun 11:45

warm up
jump rope play 6ish minutes
elliptical 20 mins 1.05mi ~200cal
weighted dips 0x3, 10×3, 25lb 5×3
back ext 10, 10lb 3×10