warm up
bench 45x2x10 70×5, 95 5×5
laundry break
lunges 25lbs 20 steps (1 step = 1 leg) x 4
chin ups 6×4
ab roller knees to full ext 3×6
foam roll
warm up
back squat 45x2x5, 75×5, 115×5, 135 4×5
overhead press 45×8, 65×5, 75 4×5
bent over row 45×10, 95x2x5, 115 3×5
weigh in 181lb
before feel: chest and shoulders feel tight
warm up
deadlift 45×10, 135×5, 165×4, 175 5×5
dips 4×4
pull ups 2, 5, 3, 4, 2 -> 16
before: hammys a bit tight, feeling slow
elliptical 10:30
warm up
rows 10:30, 2100m
push ups 8,6,6,6,6
single leg step up (number is for each leg)
7, 7, 7
foam roll; felt good leaving
feel great! little stiff in the next
warm up
back squat 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 145×3, 155 4×3
back extensions 4×12
plate press (warm up) 25×10, 45×10
db shoulder press 30 3×6
db back row on bench
15lbx12, 30lb 3×8
foam roll
warm up
20lb bar warm up routine
super set pull ups/dips
5/3, 3(wider)/3, 3/3, 3/3
foam roll
front squats 45×10, 95×5, 145×3, 165 33
bench 45x2x10, 95×5, 115×3, 135 3,2,1
neutral pull ups 4×5
weigh in 179.4lb
warm up
squat 45x2x10, 75×8, 100 5×5
sumo deadlifts 45×10(con), 45×10, 135 4×5
overhead press 45×10, 65 3×8
knees to bar 553
foam roll
I may have over done it today. feel stiff in the even
warm up
fs 45x2x10, 65 4×10
rowing 2012m @ 10:09 (I did big pulls at the end)
dips 4×5; foam roll
warm up
deadlift (con) 45x2x10, 135×5, 185 5×5
db press 20×10, 25×8, 30×8, 35 6,7,7
single leg step up 10,10,10,10
foam roll
warm up
back squat 45x2x8, 95×6, 135 4×6
bench 45 6 (hand cramp), 2×10, 75lb 6, 100lb 4×6
back ext 4×10
str8 leg raises on dip thing 10 (quick), 8(w/control),8,8
warm up
fs 45×10, 70×4, 95×4, 120×4, 145 44
ohp 45×10, 60×8, 70 3×6
wide-ish pull ups 4×4
handstand against wall 30s, 40s, 35s
foam rolls
10 mins elliptical
warm up
deadlift 45x2x10, 135×8, 165 4×8
dips 4×5
warm up
squat 45x2x10, 95×5, 135 5×5
db bench (warm up 10 push up on the bench) 20×10, 30×8, 40 3×7
4’o clock neutral pull ups 3×6
warm up
row warm up 1000m in 5mins
row test 2:05/500m avg, 2007m in 8:20
ab roller (assisted one) 4×5
single leg ups 3×8
foam roll
warm up
elliptical 10m
bench 45x2x8, 95×5, 115×5, 135 4×3
knees to bar 554
warm up
chin up 6,5,5,5
dips 6,5,5,5,5
back ext 10,10,10,10
warm up
pipe shoulder thing
pipe shoulder toe touch thing
(best was strap IT stretch for knee)
barebell warm up = 10 rdl, 10 row, 10 fs, 10 ohp, 10 good morning, 10 back squats
2nd round 10,10,5,10,5,10
foam roll
warm up
bench: 45x2x10, 95×6, 135 3×5
fs/bs super set: 45x2x8/8, 95×4/4×3
bent over row 45×10, 95×8, 115 4×5
warm up
dl 45×10, 95×5, 135×5, 185×5, 215 33
ohp 45×10, 70×5, 80 4×5
single leg step up (4 steps) 10,10,10,10
foam roll
row play 12:40 1000m
fs 45x2x10, 95×5, 135 5×3
dips 5×5
back ext 10, w/10lb 3×10
foam roll
back squat 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×1, 195×1, 205 3×1, 135×10
neutral grip pull ups: 5×5
step assist pike push up 3×7
warm up
barebell routine 3×10 (rdl,row,fs,ohp,squat)
bench 3×10 close to wide
row variations 12mins
warm up
fs 45×8, 95lb 5×8
db bench: (10 push ups on bench) 25lbx10, 35lbx 5×8
hanging knee raised 5×8
foam roll
warm up
sumo dl 45×10(con), sumo 135 5×7
neutral push ups 3×10
bar row miner row? 45×10, 95 3×10 (landmine row)
warm up
10m elliptical
super set dips/climbing hold pull ups 4×3/3
dynamic warm up
bs: 45×10, 95×5, 135×5, 185 5×3
hand stand against wall practice: 13 mins play
back ext 5×10
wrist thing 1-1-1)
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